Review Myself

An in-source todo manage plugin for Subline Text 3, list todos in your sources, help you always know what should do next.

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An in-source todo manage plugin for Subline Text 3, list todos in your sources, help you always know what should do next.


Review Myself Result

What's new in Review Myself v2 ?

Review Myself Result


By default, Review Myself has this default settings:

    "todo_patterns": [
    "priority_patterns": [
    "is_ignore_case": true,
    "ignored_dir_patterns": [".svn", ".git", ".hg", "CVS"],
    "only_care_file_patterns": ["*.cpp", "*.c", "*.h", "*.py", "*.js", "*.md"],
    "color_scheme": "Packages/Review Myself/ReviewMyself-NeonDark.hidden-tmTheme",
    "auto_show_context": true

To tweak them, go to Preferences -> Package Settings -> Review Myself -> Settings - User, ST will open a user setting file for you, put your settings there and save it.

How to take a todo ?

Simple as this:

TODO: the highest priority todo, should be done right now #p1
TODO: when p1 todos are clear, this will be a p1 #p2
TODO: another p1 candidate todo #p2
TODO: take a look in the tomorrow morning, it's ok :D #p3

By default, ReviewMyself only supports priority number from 1 to 3. I don't think we need more than that, but you can customize it (just increment the number in the priority pattern).

How to list todos ?

To list todos in the current file:

Ctrl + Shift + P, then enter command: ReviewMyself: Current File

To list todos in a file or a folder in side bar:

Right click on the file or the folder, then choose ReviewMyself

To list todos in the current Sublime Text project:

Ctrl + Shift + P, then enter command: ReviewMyself: Folders in Project

Tweak the color scheme

Download the default color scheme file.

Tweak then put it in your User folder. Color Highlighter will help you tweak color easily.

Add this line to your Review Myself user setting file (Preferences -> Package Settings -> Review Myself -> Settings - User):

    "color_scheme": "Packages/User/ReviewMyself-NeonDark.hidden-tmTheme"

Get involved ?

If you meet any issue, please post here:

If you want to fork or contribute:

If you want to buy some coffee for me:



The MIT License (MIT)